EIT: Extreme UV Imaging Telescope (EIT/SOHO Mission)

Dynamique d'une expérience spatiale: analyses et vérifications. JM. Defise. 3ème Congrès National Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée, 30-31 Mai 94, Université de Liège.

Présentation d'un poster intitulé "Alignment of the extreme-UV telescope (EIT)", P. Rochus, JM. Defise, M. Georges, S. Roose. Applied Optics & Optoelectronics, 5-8 Sep 94, University of York, IOP. Repris dans l'abstract book au nom de P. Rochus seul.

Design and qualification of the extreme-UV imaging telescope. JM. Defise, P. Rochus. IAF-95-U.4.08, 46th International Astronautical Congress, 1995.

Calibration of the EIT instrument for the SOHO mission. JM. Defise, X. Song, JP. Delaboudinière, G.E. Artzner, C. Carabetian, JF. Hochedez, J. Brunaud, J.D. Moses, R.C. Catura, F. Clette, A.J. Maucherat. SPIE Vol 2517 p 29-39, 1995.

EIT: Extreme-UV imaging telescope for the SOHO mission. JP. Delaboudinière, G.E. Artzner, J. Brunaud, A.H. Gabriel, J.F. Hochedez, F. Millier, X.Y. Song, B. Au, K.P. Dere, R.A. Howard, R. Kreplin, D. J. Michels, J.D. Moses, J.M. Defise, C. Jamar, P. Rochus, J.P. Chauvineau, J.P. Marioge, R.C. Catura, J.R. Lemen, L. Shing, R.A. Stern, J.B. Gurman, W.M. Neupert, A. Maucherat, F. Clette, P. Cugnon, E.L. Van Dessel. Solar Physics 162: 291-312, 1995.

Lessons learned from the thermal design of an instrument (EIT, the Extreme-UV Imaging telescope) on board SOHO. J.M. Defise, P. Rochus. SAE Transactions, Journal of Aerospace, Sec 1 Vol 106, p 1079-1094, 1997.

In-orbit diagnostic of the EIT EUV CCD radiation induced aging. J.M. Defise, F. Clette, J.D. Moses, J.-F. Hochedez and the EIT Consortium. SPIE 3114,p 598-607, 1997.

EIT Observations of the Extreme Ultraviolet Sun. D. Moses, F. Clette, JP. Delaboudinière, G.E. Artzner, M. Bougnet, J. Brunaud, C. Carabetian, A.H. Gabriel, J.F. Hochedez, F. Millier, X.Y. Song, B. Au, K.P. Dere, R.A. Howard, R. Kreplin, D. J. Michels, J.M. Defise, C. Jamar, P. Rochus, J.P. Chauvineau, J.P. Marioge, R.C. Catura, J.R. Lemen, L. Shing, R.A. Stern, J.B. Gurman, W.M. Neupert, J. Newmark, B. Thompson, A. Maucherat, F. Portier-Fozzani, D. Berghmans, P. Cugnon, E.L. Van Dessel, J.R. Gabryl. Solar Physics 175: 571-599, 1997.

EIT and Lasco Observations of the Initiation of a Coronal Mass Ejection. K.P. Dere, G.E. Brueckner, R.A. Howard, M.J. Koonen, C.M. Korendyke, R.W. Kreplin, D.J. Michels, J.D. Moses, N.E. Moulton, D.G. Socker, O.C. St. Cyr, J.P. Delaboudinière, G.E. Artzner, J. Brunaud, A.H. Gabriel, J.F. Hochedez, F. Milliez, X.Y. Song, J.P. Chauvineau, J.P. Marioge, J.M. Defise, C. Jamar, P. Rochus, R.C. Catura, J.R. Lemen, J.B. Gurman, W. Neupert, F. Clette, P. Cugnon, E.L. Van Dessel, P.L. Lamy, A. Llebaria, R. Schwenn, G.M. Simnett. Solar Physics 175: 601-612, 1997.

Association of Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) Polar Plumes with Mixed-Polarity Magnetic Network. Y.M. Wang, N.R. Sheeley,K.P. Dere, R.T. Duffin, R.A. Howard, D.J. Michels, J.D. Moses, J.W. Harvey, D.D. Branston, J.P. Delaboudinière, G.E. Artzner, J.F. Hochedez, J.M. Defise, R.C. Catura, J.R. Lemen, J.B. Gurman, W.M. Neupert, J. Newmark, B. Thompson, A. Maucherat, F. Clette. ApJ (Astrophysical Journal Letters), 484:L75-L78, Jul 20, 1997.

First Results from EIT. Clette, F., Delaboudiniere, J. P., Artzner, G. E., Brunaud, J., Gabriel, A. H., Hochedez, J. F., Millier, F., Song, X. Y., Au, B., Dere, K. P., Howard, R. A., Kreplin, R., Michels, D. J., Moses, J. D., Defise, J. M., Jamar, C., Rochus, P., Chauvineau, J. P., Marioge, J. P., Catura, R. C., Lemen, J. R., Shing, L., Stern, R. A., Gurman, J. B., Neupert, W. M., Maucherat, A., Cugnon, P., and Van Dessel, E. L. 1st Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference. Advances in Physics of Sunspots, ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 118., Eds.: B. Schmieder, J.C. del Toro Iniesta, & M. Vazquez, Vol. 118, 268, 1997.

Imaging the Solar Corona in the EUV. JP. Delaboudinière, R.A. Stern, A Maucherat, F. Portier-Fonzani, W.M. Neupert, J.B. Gurman, R.C. Catura, J.R. Lemen, L. Shing, G.E. Arzner, J. Brunaud, A.H. Gabriel, D.J. Michels, J.D. Moses, B. Au, K.P. Dere, R.A. Howard, R. Kreplin, J.M. Defise, C. Jamar, P. Rochus, J.P. Chauvineau, J.P. Marioge, F. Cletter, P. Cugnon, E.L. Van Dessel. Adv. Space Res. Vol 20, No. 12, 2231-2237, 1997.

SOHO Intercalibration meeting, Orsay, 13 Nov 97

In-orbit performance of the EIT instrument on-board SOHO and intercalibration with the EIT Calroc Sounding Rocket Program. JM. Defise, J.D. Moses, F. Clette. SPIE 3442, 1998

Observations of coronal structures above an active region by EIT and implication for coronal hole energy deposition. W.M. Neupert , J.S. Newmark, J.P. Delaboudiniere, B.J. Thompson , R.C. Catura, J.D. Moses, J.B. Gurman, F. Portier-Fonzzani, A.H. Gabriel, G. Artzner, F. Clette, P. Cugnon, A.J. Maucherat, J.M. Defise, C. Jamar, P. Rochus, K.P. Dere, R.A. Howard, D.J. Michels, S. Freeland, J.R. Lemen, R.A. Stern. Solar Physics, Solar Physics 183: 305-321, 1998.

In-flight characterization and compensation of the optical properties of the EIT instrument, J.M. Defise, F. Clette, F. Auchere, SPIE 3765, 1999.

Analyse des performances instrumentales du télescope spatial EIT, J.M. Defise, Thèse, Université de Liège, 1999.

The pre-flight photometric calibration of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope "EIT" K. Dere, J. Moses, J.P. Delaboudinière, J. Brunaud, C. carabetian, J.F. Hochedez, X.Y. Song, R. Catura, F. Clette, J.M. Defise, Solar Physics, 195 (1): 13-44, July 2000.

Sun-Earth connection coronal and heliospheric investigation (SECCHI) for the NASA STEREO mission J.D. Moses, R.A. Howard, K.P. Dere, D. Socker, J. Karpen, J. Klimchuk, N. Sheely, C. Korendyke, D. Michels, M. Koomen, O.C. St Cyr, S. Plunkett, A. Title, J.P. Wuelser, J. Lemen, T. Tarbell, C. Wolfson, M. Aschwanden, D. Alexander, T. Metcalf, J. Davila, R. Fisher, B. Thompson, J. Gurman, J. Newmark, L. Burlaga, L. Golub, P. Liewer, E. De Jong, Z. Mikic, J. Linker, D. Hassler, L. Fisk, T. Zurbuchen, G. Simnett, L. Culhane, R. Harrison, R. Bush, R. Schwenn, B. Inhester, E. Marsch, V. Bothmer, H. Kunow, J.P. Delaboudinière, B. Agius, R. Mercier, J.L. Bougeret, M. Pick, P. Lamy, A. Llebaria, J.M. Defise, C. Jamar, P. Rochus, D. Berghmans, F. Clette, J.F. Hochedez, P. Cugnon, SPIE 4139-26, Jul 2000.

Calibration and flight of the NRL EIT Calroc J. Newmark, J.P. Delaboudinière, X. Song, C. Carabetian, M. Bougnet, J. Brunaud, J.M. Defise, F. Clette, J.F. Hochedez, SPIE 4139-31, Jul 2000.


Probing the solar corona with the EIT experiment: Belgian science programs and archive. Berghmans D, Clette F., Cugnon P., Defise J.M., Gabryl J.R., Hochedez J.F., Jamar C., Robbrecht E., Van der Linden R., Rochus P., Verwichte E., "Space Science", OSTC Publication, 2001.


HI: The Heliospheric Imager of STEREO-SECCHI (NASA)

Stray-light tests of the heliospheric Imagers of STEREO, JM. Defise, JP. Halain, E. Mazy, P. Rochus, ESA SP 467 - 2001.


OMC: the Optical Monitoring Camera of INTEGRAL

Optics and baffle design of the Optical Monitoring Camera for INTEGRAL. JM. Defise, S. Habraken, E. Mazy, H. Hansen and JY Plesseria. Proceedings 2nd Integral Workshop "The Transparent Universe", St Malo, Sept 96, ESA SP-382 (March 97).

Optical design of the Integral Optical Monitoring Camera. E. Mazy, JM. Defise, J-Y Plesseria, L. de Vos. SPIE 3426, 1998.

Integral Optical Monitoring Camera stray-light design. E. Mazy, JM. Defise, J-Y Plesseria. SPIE 3426, 1998.

Effective modal parameters to evaluate structural stresses. P. Rochus, J.M. Defise, J.Y. Plesseria, F. Hault, G. Janssen. European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, ESA SP-428 1999.

The INTEGRAL Optical Monitoring Camera design, qualification tests and lessons learned. Defise J.M., Plesseria J.Y., Renotte E., Rochus P., 51st International Astronautical Congress, IAF-00-Q.1.08, 2000.


FUV SI: Far UV spectro Imager of the IMAGE mission (NASA)


The IMAGE Mission (NASA): design, test and results from the Far UV Spectrographic Imaging. S. Habraken, E. Renotte, P. Rochus, J.M. Defise, C. Jamar, J.C. Gérard, B. Hubert, M. Meurant, S. Munhoven, "Space Science", OSTC Publication, 2001.


Effective parameters for dynamic analyses

Dynamique d'une expérience spatiale: analyses et vérifications. JM. Defise. 3ème Congrès National Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée, 30-31 Mai 94, Université de Liège.

Effective modal parameters to evaluate structural stresses. P. Rochus, J.M. Defise, J.Y. Plesseria, F. Hault, G. Janssen. European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, ESA SP-428 1999.

Effective Modal Masses. JY. Plesseria, P. Rochus, JM. Defise, 5ème Congrès National de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée, Louvain-la-Neuve, 23-24 mai 2000.


Solar arrays

Solar Array Trade-Off: Rigid Panel, Trough Reflectors and Fresnel Concentrators, S. Habraken, J.M. Defise, J.P. Collette, ESTEC Workshop on Solar Concentration Systems, Noordwijk, June 2000.

Space Solar Arrays and Concentrators. Habraken S., Defise J.M., Collette J.P., Rochus P., d'Odémont P.A., Hogge M., 51st International Astronautical Congress, IAF-00-R.2.03, 2000.


Thermal Design

Lessons learned from the thermal design of an instrument (EIT, the Extreme-UV Imaging telescope) on board SOHO. J.M. Defise, P. Rochus. SAE Transactions, Journal of Aerospace, Sec 1 Vol 106, p 1079-1094, 1997.
